Startseite / General Secretariat

General Secretariat

The General Secretariat assumes the general coordination of the activities of Their Majesties the King and Queen in Belgium and abroad with regard to protocol, programme and logistics. The General Secretariat moreover coordinates the activities of the other members of the Royal Family in Belgium and abroad, and is also responsible for the development of contacts between the King and the civil society in Belgium.

The Secretary General monitors the major themes relating to society in Belgium so as to keep the King informed. He proposes and prepares the activities of the King and Queen on the societal front and coordinates the King’s audiences with representatives of the civil society. He coordinates the organisation of all the activities of the King and Queen in Belgium and abroad, maintains regular contacts with the Households and Services of the members of the Royal Family, coordinates their activities, and chairs coordination meetings among the staff members of the King’s Household.

The Chief of Protocol is in charge of organising and implementing the public activities of the King as well as the joint activities of the King and the Queen in Belgium and abroad, in coordination with the different staff members. He is assisted by two Deputy Chiefs of Protocol to the King's Household.

The Attaché to the King’s Household advises the King and Queen, particularly on cultural matters. He assists the Secretary General and Chief of Protocol in preparing royal activities.

An Advisor to the King's Household assists the Secretary General in its coordination tasks, his contacts with civil society and the organisation and execution of royal activities.

The Commandant of the Royal Palaces heads all service and maintenance personnel. He is responsible for the logistical support to the activities of His Majesty the King and members of the Royal Family, as well as for the proper unfolding of day-to-day activities, the maintenance and servicing of Palaces, Manors and Residences.