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Your Majesty,
The Queen and I are delighted to welcome you to Belgium, having had the opportunity to visit the Sultanate of Oman on several occasions, each time enjoying a warm reception.
We have unforgettable memories of our visits, when we were welcomed by your late uncle, Sultan...
Your Holiness,
What a joy it is to welcome you here today, nearly thirty years after the visit of Pope John Paul II.
Your apostolic mission, passed down from Saint Peter, firmly upholds the great Christian tradition, while also reflecting your highly respected character. Aware of...
Introductory Statement by H.M. the Queen, WHO High-level Dinner on “Violence against children and its impact on mental health”, New York, 22 September 2024
Your Excellencies,
As an SDG Advocate, I find it very encouraging to see so many leaders – from across
...Introductory Statement by H.M. the Queen, Side event “Spotlight Initiative – End Violence Against Women & Girls”, New York, 21 September 2024
Your Excellencies,
As we strive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, it is imperative that we recognize that...
Introductory Statement by H.M. the Queen Gender Equality High-level Event, New York, 21 September 2024
Your Excellencies,
Despite notable progress over recent decades, gender equality remains a critical challenge in 2024. Women and girls continue to face systemic...
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In my capacity as United Nations Sustainable Development Advocate, I should like to address a subject which is of concern to us all today: nutritional health and ways in which to improve it. Unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical...
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Lutter contre la pauvreté des petits producteurs de cacao, mieux les rémunérer grâce à des prix justes, mieux distribuer la valeur ajoutée tout au long de la filière menant du cacao au chocolat sont des thèmes qui me semblent très pertinents pour...
Madam President,
Honourable Members of Parliament,
The European institutions have been based here in Brussels since the beginning. And this Paul-Henri Spaak Building, named in honour of the historic Belgian pioneer of the European project, is the beating heart of European democracy...
Check against delivery
Mevrouw de Voorzitter,
Geachte Parlementsleden,
Hier, in Brussel, hebben de Europese instellingen van in het begin een thuis gevonden. En dit Paul Henri Spaak gebouw, zo genoemd als eerbetoon aan de historische...
Madam Commissioner,
Mr Vice-President of the European Parliament,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The 10th of October is World Mental Health Day and so it’s very good timing on the Commission’s part to organize a colloquium on this topic today, one that has been gathering...